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HB-JYE | EasyJet Switzerland | 2015 Livery | v.1.1.0

HB-JYE | EasyJet Switzerland | 2015 Livery | v.1.1.0


- Added "easyJet" logo to wingtip fence
- Added "Orange" color to wings
- Fixed "Weather" layer not showing up
- Added SELCAL & Regristration to Cockpit

- Added Cabin Saftey Cards in seat back pocket
- Added Seat Textures in black color

HB-JYE, pintura para el Airbus A320-214 (CFM) de Fenix, con interior levemente personalizado, Aerolinea EasyJet Switzerland, texturas de suciedad instaladas para mayor realismo livery en 8K 100% funcional.


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